Monday, August 16, 2010

Real Living Magazine

It has always been a secret dream of mine to have my home in a magazine and today that dream came true!! Our home is featured in this month's edition of Real Living magazine.... proud as punch!


  1. Nat that is FANTASTIC! Well done, you (and your place) look beautiful! :) x

  2. Your house was my fave this month...I cut out pictures to put on my mood board :)

  3. best house in the mag hands down. so glad i found you as i NEED to know where you got that beautiful union jack cushion sitting in the basket by the front door? (i bet you made it). i'm a fellow pom living in sydney, and equally obsessed with food and now obsessed with making sure somebody, anybody buys me a picnic soon!! (spanish preferably, but brit will do just fine!). hints being heavily dropped to hubbie as we speak.

  4. Hello!

    Thanks for the lovely comments! Funny seeing our little home in a magazine! The cushion was made from an old bag that I bought from Accessorize back in Brighton last year!!
